Thursday, September 22, 2011

(The Second Annual) Apple Crisp Thursday

Hey. It's been a while. Did you miss us? If you live in the Midwest, you may have noticed certain changes. It stops raining every few days. The air is cooler. Crisper. Sweaters are being worn. That's right. It's FALL!

Much like Winter, Fall brings its own flavors, namely pumpkin and apple. It is in this tradition that I invite you, our loyal readership, to witness the birth of a ritual: Apple Crisp Thursday. It's simple really. The first Thursday after you realize it is Fall, you gather your friends and make apple crisp.

It's a great deal of fun, but you don't have to take my word for it! Take a look at these kids!

Alex loves to bake!

Ashley was chopping up 4 cups of apples for us. HONEYCRISP apples. Delish. But then, she remembered, "NOOOOOOOOO! My POOOTTIONNNNNNN!" And ran away.

Don't worry! She got to Pottermore in time. Go Ashley! Earn those points! Also she came back and finished the apples. Multitasking bonus.

Next I made a 3/4 c brown-sugar snowman with 1/2 c dustings of oats and flour. Alex melted 1/3 c of butter. Because everybody helps on Apple Crisp Thursday.

We spiced it with 3/4 tsps of cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice. Then Critz mixed it all up and covered the apples.

If you're following along at home, pop it in the oven at 375F and go do something else for 30 min.

We sat on the couch and discussed how young people are being hosed. HOSED. And Jenn had a potato. So I guess things could be worse.

Also Shelly brought fresh chestnuts! We roasted them in the microwave. I forgot to take a picture of that, but here's photo proof that Shelly was there.


Let us return to the joyful world of apples and crumbleyum.


We decided that we shouldn't wait until next year to do this again, so stay tuned for Pumpkin Roll Tuesday!